Mac Henry Akeh

Addictions Counsellor, Individual and Couples Counselling
Therapy Modalities

Family Systems Theory
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Motivational Enhancement Therapy
Neuroscience of Addiction


For over half a decade, Mac Henry has been actively engaged in the domain of addiction and recovery, lending his expertise as a clinician within the Northern Health Authority at the esteemed Prince George Regional Hospital since 2015. His tenure at this institution has enriched him with an expansive spectrum of experience, garnered through dedicated service both within outpatient and inpatient settings.

Mac Henry's distinctive approach to guiding individuals along their recovery paths is marked by a comprehensive consideration of their multidimensional well-being. He diligently addresses not only their psychological and physical facets but also extends his focus to encompass their spiritual, emotional, and social dimensions. Recognizing that the journey to recovery is a complex interplay of various elements, Mac Henry's methodology rests upon the belief that true healing encompasses all these facets, nurturing a holistic sense of wellness.

His interactions with a diverse array of individuals have solidified Mac Henry's conviction in the innate potential harbored by each person. He firmly believes that unlocking one's fullest potential is within reach for all, achievable by tapping into their inherent capacity for self-healing. This journey, Mac Henry asserts, is further fortified by forging connections with available resources and fostering a support system. His experience has unveiled the transformative power of guiding individuals to access their internal healing mechanisms, while concurrently connecting them with the external resources and support networks that are instrumental in facilitating this process.

Area of Counselling Expertise
Through his work at the Opioid Agonist Therapy Service clinic, he has led a vast number of group sessions as well as family and individual therapy.
Personal Qualities / Strengths

Mac Henry’s foremost objective is to construct a robust and nurturing therapist-client relationship with every individual he engages with. He adeptly establishes an environment where individuals feel secure and supported as they embark on their journey of self-exploration and personal evolution. Guided by his compassionate approach, he skillfully holds space for his clients, granting them the freedom to delve into their own development while providing the scaffolding necessary for their growth.

At the heart of his therapeutic philosophy lies a steadfast commitment to fostering an atmosphere that is both safe and empathetic. Recognizing the profound impact of these foundational elements, Mac Henry places them at the forefront of his practice. This deliberate focus on creating a secure and understanding space enables each client to engage wholeheartedly, knowing that they are met with openness and acceptance.

His remarkable strength lies in his dedication to tailoring his approach to meet the unique needs of each individual. Mac Henry empowers his clients to identify what strategies, techniques, and interventions resonate most with them. By taking this collaborative approach, he empowers individuals to actively participate in their healing and personal development journey.

With a deep-seated belief in the transformative potential of therapy, Mac Henry ensures that his clients’ personalized goals take center stage. His unwavering dedication is to assist individuals in navigating their aspirations and realizing their objectives. In doing so, he facilitates a collaborative dynamic that propels clients towards growth, resilience, and fulfillment.

In essence, Mac Henry’s therapeutic approach embodies the synthesis of compassion, empathy, collaboration, and personalization. Through his deliberate efforts, he not only nurtures the development of his clients but also embarks on a shared journey towards attaining their desired outcomes.

Education and Professional Development

University of Cumberlands-USA
PH.D. Psychology (Candidate)

University of Northern BC
Master of Arts in Counselling

Bamenda University of Science and Technology-Cameroon
Master of Arts in Psychology

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